Board :Story Contest
Author :Archon Iyagi
Subject :1st Place by Flavior
Date :10/23
"Securing the Haven"

It was only a year ago when me and my friends got attacked by ogre in the wilderness. I was safe luckily, due to the pendant that my father, a Buyan Royal Mage crafted for me.

After a thorough investigation, we found out that the Ogre was planning for another massive attack, into our lovely hometown, Buya!

This time, my father gave me a task to secure the haven, the small encampment just right by outside the east buya wall, where many citizen has taken a sanctuary for a while waiting for the Buya Army to crush the Ogre

Securing the Haven is a crucial thing, lots of life depends on us. We had to make sure that all logistics are there to provide food and comfort to the refugee.

This camp is also being protected by a Ju Jak light, a protection around the camp that will ensure no Ogre can pass through

By the night time, we can hear the war happening in the west gate, Fire engulfing up to the sky, multiple inferno spells flies around, arrows and people shouted can be heard this far in east gate

The war last for 2 nights, and we won it. In the end, I was granted the medal of protector by the Buya Army, for succedding in protecting the citizen

I mesmerized the moment that has been happened in the past years, and only able to feel gratefull for my experience has been far reached to this point.
